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Figured I could start a progress thread... :unknw: I'm only on my biggest build to date.

First let's see V0.0 from just over a year ago:


Second is V1.0 from almost a year ago:




V1.1, October. Bar and driving lights


V1.2 last November, VF Commodore wing installed




V1.3 Light bar replaced by Nudge bar. Welcome to the Australian Outback...


This section is up to date. Next post, I'll present the beginning of V2.0.

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Cool to see something different from the usual Glanza reps! Is this an Aussie-spec Starlet or an import? Just wondering since it has Carat taillights, and a blanking plate instead of a clock from the Jap-spec base model Reflet. Good to see another Mighty Car Mods fan too! :thumbsup:

Keep us updated on how the swap goes bud!

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I'm not sure if it's import of not, I doubt it is. Trim is "Life", as is every other Starlet I see around, none modded :( Carat lights were from my wallet, still have the OEM available.I just can't stand have the same car as someone else! LOL nothing can stay stock, I even modded the Carat lights 3 times already, planning a 4th mod soon, if I get the part I want :p

Yeah I wanted a change from white and redEDIT *CHROME* since the Aussie sun CHOPPED! the red off., so I went the complete opposite! I want to change the body colour too, what I really want would be brushed steel body with black plastics.

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A few things made my progress almost stop...

  1. That green paint is special order and is taking forever to get a new can, first order a typo made it daytona yellow, the reorder got lost between Sydney and Perth, and I'm waiting for the 3 try to get here at the end of the week.
  2. I ordered a full gasket set for the engine, and it's not that full. Missing the oil pump housing o-ring, impossible to find at any parts store, until I stop at Toyota today and I will get it tomorrow! only $5! --- Also missing fuel injectors seals. no big deal there...
  3. My SC14 Supercharger hasn't arrived yet, was supposed to be here last thursday, but changes in (time) circumstances will make me swap the engines first, build brackets and piping on the ol' 4E, then install on the 5E.

Next on my list is to clean the valves and start rebuilding the head, mesure and adjust valve/cam clearances.. With the o-ring I can reassemble the front end of the block. And when my Grabber Green shows, I can finish my brakes and be ready to install them once I get new tyres...

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^^^ Sure, I'll upload what I have when I get home. I don't have much, but I'll have to open them again soon, I'll snap a few more then.

I received my supercharger! Looked at the pulley and almost s*** my pants... Way too small! It was meant for 6psi (from what I read) on a 2.4L and I'm putting it on a 1.5L... I toyed around and swapped the magnetic pulley with the Paseo's Air Con compressor one. Beauty of using Toyota parts for everything, the pulleys are almost bolt-on. I had to do some modifications on the pulley, move the bearing a bit, remove a brace, try different magnets and shims...BUT, I'm back in the safe zone, 10.5 Psi instead of 17.5 with the stock pulley, and it's been tested on the bench, it works perfectly.

I'm happy. :crazy:

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Well I sent it as PM, but since there's demand for it, here it come:

Here's a few pictures of my tail lights. You may notice the separator in the top section is missing, I removed it. You'll see why below.


And here's how they work:

Park lights: round LED pods glued behind the reflector (they're the same size as the reflectors) You can clearly see them in the 4th pic.

Brake lights: I use both the high intensity side of the LED pods and a standard 21w globe. I used and rewired the reverse light socket for the brake, to have single element globes.

Indicators: I put an amber globe in the lower half of the housing to use as indicator, and for extra safety, used the low side of the dual (tail/stop) socket as a back up indicator should the main globe fail (which happened twice). see pic #5, it's not clear but you can see it.

Reverse lights: I used the high side of the tail/brake socket, mounted on the top half of the housing for the reverse globe.
On a side note, I'll get a Glanza plate surround trim soon and will use them reversing lights. When I'll rewire, I will replace the reverse part of my carat light by a second full strenght indicator. As I said, I prefer to be seen than rear ended...

And you ask about the cut, well I used the edge of the quarter panel to mark the bumper where to start the cut, and took a little bit at a time off until it fitted. I did the best I could with my not perfectly straight body (been rear-ended at some point of its life).

As for the fog, not required here, but as I'm a light freak, I did install one, from eBay, the $5 "F1 style dual function" fog from china, right in the middle of the bumper.

Here's a vid of the fog/brake/tail lights in action, pardon the very high quality:


The wiring for the fog is entirely custom made, as you can probably tell.

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Thanks, I suppose with an unpainted bumper you weren't bothered about how it looked paint-wise after you were done.

Looks like you've put a proper high-level brake light instead of the mid-level one that comes as standard!

Just out of interest what wiring is in the boot door? the brake light / wiper motor and rear window deicer are obviously there, but I'm wondering if the extra wiring for the Glanza surround are present in the normal NA.

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No, yes and no!
I didn't bother, neither for the tails or the fog. I will paint/dip the car eventually, that'll cover the imperfections...

I couldn't stand the OEM high mount! It's so big you can't even see through the glass! :p
And there's no extra wires in the tailgate. It's not a big deal, there's only one more wire needed fro the reverse lights, as they don't get used much I can just splice the earth with the brake light or wiper.

Got my rear axle finished today, ready to be installed, minus new tyres.


I also piled my parts on top of each other. This is where I am now.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had to put the Paseo wheels on earlier than expected... Got a yellow sticker, which means I got pulled over and the officer doubted of the roadworthyness of my Starlet, believed the Carat lights were aftermarket and didn't like my steering wheel and driving lights. Result, I have to go for a full inspection within ten days or forget the car.
So new tyres on new wheels, ready to be looked at.

The night I got pulled over, I was coming home from a late night at work, not on official business... Got my inlet painted, finally.

Also emptied the A/C while the paint was drying. I just made a blank to replace the A/C switch using the blank I had over the heater controls before putting my immobilizer fob there.

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Not yet. I will. The hoses between the rad and firewall will be removed when I pull the 4E out, and for the inside, I just have to find the courage to pull it out... I have a bloody mess of wires I need to clean out in there, I have connectors to clean it and make it easier to remove the console... Because I have my starting switches where the cup holder should be, and without a connector it's a pain to remove, I currently have to pull the headunit, then unscrew the panel, pull the console, disconnect every switch, and remember where each wire goes because they're all RED!...


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That's just from your local weigh station?

I'm stripping my rear interior out once I get my new front seats so last time it was weighed when I was engineered it was 900kg will be Interesting to see what I weighs with all no essentials taken out

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